
Marie Bard-Curtis

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Meet MarieBard-Curtis, a passionate seamstress and quilter who has been sewing and crafting for as long as she can remember. She started sewing at a young age, inspired by her grandmother Hattie, who was always busy quilting, sewing, painting, crocheting, and playing softball. Although Marie never quilted with her grandmother, she watched her make quilts by both machine sewing and hand-quilting. Each child in their family received a handmade quilt, including Marie. However, her quilt was well-loved and used frequently, causing it to wear out.

After her grandmother passed away, Marie decided to learn quilting to continue the tradition of making handmade quilts for her family. Her passion for quilting has led her to become an accomplished quilter, and she enjoys making quilts for her loved ones. Marie's story highlights the importance of passing on the tradition of quilting to future generations, and she hopes to inspire others to continue the legacy of handmade quilts.