Binding for Curvy Quilts | Quilter’s Summer Camp ‘23
Binding for Curvy Quilts | Quilter’s Summer Camp ‘23
Meghan Groves
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Meghan Groves

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Meet Meghan Groves whose love of quilting has been a transformative and humbling experience for her. During a transitional phase in life, quilting became an anchor point and provided an outlet for creativity and exploration. The past year has been a constant state of learning and progress, with each quilt marking a milestone of growth and change. The first quilt was particularly special, as it sparked a deep interest in Appalachian heritage and the quilting traditions of the individual's grandmothers. 

While unable to learn from her grandmothers directly, the internet and online quilting community have been invaluable resources to Meghan. The sketch-to-quilt transformation still brings great joy and seeing designs come to life is a heartening experience for her. Quilting has become an integral part of  Meghan's life, and she cannot imagine ever stopping.

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